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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package kbv.ita.vos#2.1.0 (78 ms)

Package kbv.ita.vos
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=kbv.ita.vos@2.1.0&canonical=https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance
Url https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance
Version 2.1.0
Status active
Date 2023-02-01
Name KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance
Title KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance
Experimental False
Description Eine Provenance-Ressource, die vom PVS an die VoS gesendet wird, um zu übertragen, ob Allergien ärztlich diagnostiziert oder Eigenangaben der behandelten Person sind.
Type Provenance
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Composition KBV_PR_VoS_Composition

Resources that this resource uses

https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_AllergyIntolerance KBV_PR_VoS_AllergyIntolerance
https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Patient KBV_PR_VoS_Patient
https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Practitioner KBV_PR_VoS_Practitioner
https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_PractitionerRole KBV_PR_VoS_PractitionerRole
https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_Base_Provenance KBV_PR_Base_Provenance
https://fhir.kbv.de/ValueSet/KBV_VS_VoS_AgentRoles verwendete Rollen in Provenance-Ressourcen


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "KBV-PR-VoS-Provenance-AllergyIntolerance",
  "url" : "https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance",
  "version" : "2.1.0",
  "name" : "KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance",
  "title" : "KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2023-02-01",
  "publisher" : "Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung",
  "description" : "Eine Provenance-Ressource, die vom PVS an die VoS gesendet wird, um zu übertragen, ob Allergien ärztlich diagnostiziert oder Eigenangaben der behandelten Person sind.",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "Provenance",
  "baseDefinition" : "https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_Base_Provenance|1.3.0",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "Provenance",
        "path" : "Provenance",
        "definition" : "Hier wird für Allergien übertragen, ob diese ärztlich diagnostiziert oder Eigenangaben der behandelten Person sind."
        "id" : "Provenance.id",
        "path" : "Provenance.id",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.meta",
        "path" : "Provenance.meta",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.meta.source",
        "path" : "Provenance.meta.source",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.meta.profile",
        "path" : "Provenance.meta.profile",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "fixedCanonical" : "https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_VoS_Provenance_AllergyIntolerance|2.1.0",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.meta.security",
        "path" : "Provenance.meta.security",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.meta.tag",
        "path" : "Provenance.meta.tag",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.implicitRules",
        "path" : "Provenance.implicitRules",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.language",
        "path" : "Provenance.language",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.contained",
        "path" : "Provenance.contained",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.target",
        "path" : "Provenance.target",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.target.reference",
        "path" : "Provenance.target.reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.target.type",
        "path" : "Provenance.target.type",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.target.identifier",
        "path" : "Provenance.target.identifier",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.target.display",
        "path" : "Provenance.target.display",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.occurred[x]",
        "path" : "Provenance.occurred[x]",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.recorded",
        "path" : "Provenance.recorded",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.policy",
        "path" : "Provenance.policy",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.location",
        "path" : "Provenance.location",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.reason",
        "path" : "Provenance.reason",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.activity",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.activity.coding",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.activity.coding.system",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity.coding.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedUri" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-DataOperation",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.activity.coding.code",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedCode" : "CREATE",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.activity.coding.userSelected",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity.coding.userSelected",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.activity.text",
        "path" : "Provenance.activity.text",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent",
        "definition" : "Hier wird eine Person angegeben, die die Allergie festgestellt hat.",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.system",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedUri" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/provenance-participant-type",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.version",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.version",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedString" : "4.0.1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.code",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedCode" : "author",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.display",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.display",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.userSelected",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.coding.userSelected",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.type.text",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.type.text",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role",
        "definition" : "Angabe, der Rolle der feststellenden Person mit coding.code = PAT (patient) oder PROV (healthcare provider, ärztliche Person)",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/elementdefinition-bindingName",
              "valueString" : "ProvenanceAgentRole"
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://fhir.kbv.de/ValueSet/KBV_VS_VoS_AgentRoles"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.system",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.code",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.userSelected",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role.coding.userSelected",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.role.text",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.role.text",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.who",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.who",
        "definition" : "Hier kann die konkrete Person referenziert werden, welche die Allergie/Unverträglichkeit festgestellt hat. Es muss dabei auf jeden Fall der Typ (Patient, Practitioner oder PractitionerRole) angegeben werden. Falls die genaue Person nicht referenziert werden kann, kann durch den Typ für den eMP angegeben werden, welcher Personentyp für die Information verantwortlich ist.",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.who.reference",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.who.reference",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.who.type",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.who.type",
        "definition" : "Hier wird der Typ (Patient, Practitioner oder PractitionerRole) angegeben. Falls die genaue Person nicht referenziert werden kann, kann durch den Typ für den eMP angegeben werden, welcher Personentyp für die Information verantwortlich ist.",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.who.identifier",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.who.identifier",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.who.display",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.who.display",
        "definition" : "Falls nur \"type\" ausgefüllt werden kann, kann hier eine Beschreibung des Typs eingefügt werden."
        "id" : "Provenance.agent.onBehalfOf",
        "path" : "Provenance.agent.onBehalfOf",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.entity",
        "path" : "Provenance.entity",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Provenance.signature",
        "path" : "Provenance.signature",
        "max" : "0"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.